English Writing Students’ Perspective of Using Eportfolio in the Writing Class
Volume 2, Issue 6-3, December 2014
4 July 2014
28 August 2014
2 September 2014
Abstract: This study aims to examine students’ perspective of using eportfolios for their writing assignments and assessment in Indiana University of Pennsylvania (20 males and 38 females) first year freshman writing courses. The data for this research was collected by using Qualtrics survey software and analyzed by the reporting system of the software itself. Some emerging themes came to the surface to provide a positive attitude toward the use of eportfolios. The findings of the research showed that students used eportfolios for submitting assignments and following their progress throughout the semester. Students also used them for feedback, grading, reflection, and reading relevant course material. The findings also touched upon some challenges that students faced while using eportfolios. Most challenges had nothing to do with the software itself but with external factors such as internet connection and computer bugs. However, more research was needed to examine the use of eportfolios over longer time and to examine teachers’ perception of using eportfolios as well.
Abstract: This study aims to examine students’ perspective of using eportfolios for their writing assignments and assessment in Indiana University of Pennsylvania (20 males and 38 females) first year freshman writing courses. The data for this research was collected by using Qualtrics survey software and analyzed by the reporting system of the software itsel...
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